Why is it that we – parents and children – can’t wait for the summer holidays and then several weeks in we’re – parents – counting down the days until our little and big ones are back at school and the routine is once again in charge?

Add to this the juggle of work and childcare and we parents go from breathing a sigh of relief that we have six weeks of no school runs to breathing fire organising it all!

Although back to school brings a sense of normality, it also brings new opportunities, new beginnings and new options for after school clubs.

There are many studies which discuss the merits of learning a musical instrument and, with music being cut from the national curriculum; it is all the more important to source this elsewhere.

Children who attend music lessons are reported to have an edge when it comes to detecting patterns in the world around us, with musical instrument training making their brains better at statistical learning, engaging in an emotional response and learning a technique. These are all key building blocks and can also help with learning to read and learning a second language; certainly skills not to be ignored.



However, on top of this, the learning also needs to be fun. Songs and rhymes are a great way to memorise lists, data and facts, rather than more traditional methods of learning by rote. Similarly, learning a song at each music lesson can have far more impact and memorability that simply learning chords or notes. It helps the student to actually see an outcome from what they have learnt and ignite emotional responses. This has a two-fold effect. Firstly, the student will feel an enormous sense of pride and achievement, giving their confidence and self-esteem a considerable boost. Secondly, it will spur them on to practice because they have achieved a concrete outcome – playing a song!

If you add to this a community then you really are on to a winner! We all prosper in a positive environment and children benefit from being with like-minded individuals. Learning a musical instrument with other students and tutors who have the same passion is really inspiring. The shared positivity and excitement becomes contagious. Coupled with being able to leave a lesson knowing how to play a song is priceless.

Who wouldn’t want to give their child the opportunity to increase their brain power and self-esteem while forming new and important friendships, while learning a musical instrument, which will be a skill for life?

The Rock Project Berkshire lessons offer two hours of learning a musical instrument or singing, including music reading, in a fun environment where friendships are formed and each week students perform as a band, making what they have learnt so much more memorable. It probably is the best music lesson your children could wish for!


September 11th, 2017

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